Theresa Ritchie Person-Info 

( Ich bin Theresa Ritchie)


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Scottish woman decorates dog poo with strawberries and cream to › Odd_News › › Scottish...
· Scottish woman Theresa Ritchie uses Nutella and strawberries and cream to decorate dog poop in Peterhead.

Wiedmer: Lewis clan keeps on competing | Chattanooga Times Free Press
Perhaps Theresa Ritchie is still competing in Senior Olympics at the tender age of 76 because she doesn't want her 97-year-old mother, Estel, to show her up.

April Fools Day: 10 stories that look like pranks but aren't - BBC...
April Fools' Day is a time when mischievous fictional news stories suddenly pop up, but some turn out to be genuine.

globo: Mulher decora cocô de cães na rua com chocolate e chantily |...

Theresa Ritchie está decorando os cocôs que encontra pela cidade com chantily, morangos e cobertura de chocolate. Foto (Foto: Arquivo).
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Warren County
Vorname "Theresa" (11342)
Name "Ritchie" (374)
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