Thijs Jacobs Person-Info 

( Ich bin Thijs Jacobs)


(1 - 4 von 6
) hopes to bring discussions around cloud ...
The idea of Pie came when Walraven and Co-founder Thijs Jacobs, while in their previous jobs, noticed that people were constantly sharing ...

Google world view appropriated Dutch instant messaging service - Hot...
Google set up its own developer team in Southeast Asia and the Dutch startup Pie will play a role in this.

Scania Production Zwolle B.V.: Made to order – in a minimum of time |...
Scania Production Zwolle B.V. Made to order – in a minimum of time Thijs Jacobs, Henk Meijerman, Jacob Boksma, Martin Borreman and Marcel Beij.

KlimaGespräche - Einführungsveranstaltung - Bonn im Wandel
... und wende diese direkt in der Praxis an. Der Referent Thijs Jacobs bringt das erprobte Modell der KlimaGespräche aus den Niederlanden mit nach Bonn.
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