Tikka Khan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tikka Khan)


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India capitulates at Cairo

[Merinews] - His Highness Maharaja Sir Hari Singh, the ruler of Jammu and Kashmir, wished to be an independent sovereign monarch of his big State.

Case against nine including former Jamaat lawmaker

[The Daily Star] - Judge AHM Samsul Arefin sent the petition to Sadar Police Station, asking the officer-in-charge (OC) to file a case against the accused.

CNN.com - Pakistan's 'Butcher of Bengal' dies - March 28, 2002

Pakistan's former army chief general Tikka Khan, once labeled the Butcher of Bengal for his ruthlessness against Bangladeshi separatists, has died after a long...

Tikka Khan sworn in as governor | The Daily Star

The Martial Law Administrator Lieutenant General Tikka Khan was sworn in as governor of East Pakistan today. Earlier, after his appointment as both the...
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Person "Khan" (9)
Vorname "Tikka" (5)
Name "Khan" (16865)
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