Tim Ruoff und Deacon Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tim Ruoff)
(1 - 9 von 11

New consultant has a 'passion' for special-needs ministryThe Leaven Catholic Newspaper

— His father, Deacon Tim Ruoff, was ordained a permanent deacon in Before that, he was involved with the parish Rite of Christian — His father, Deacon Tim Ruoff, was ordained a permanent deacon in Before that, he was involved with the parish Rite of Christian ...

Women who choose adoption for their child should be lifted ...The Leaven Catholic Newspaper

— Deacon Tim Ruoff said he knew he was adopted since he was old enough to understand, but was hesitant to make contact with his birth mother — Deacon Tim Ruoff said he knew he was adopted since he was old enough to understand, but was hesitant to make contact with his birth mother ...