Timm Hoffman Person-Info 

( Ich bin Timm Hoffman)


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Guardian: From the ashes: historical botanic photos destroyed in Cape Town ...www.theguardian.com › environment › jun › rare-p...

· “We've lost everything,” says Prof Timm Hoffman, the director of the Plant Conservation Unit (PCU), which was housed in a “highly flammable ...

Anatomy Of A Scam Voicemail: How To Spot A Threat

These days financial scams are a regular threat. Chances are you've been the target of one, or at least know someone who has been. For years, the

Südafrika: Zeitraffer-Fotos belegen dramatischen Klimawandel - WELT

Vorher-Nachher-Fotos zeigen: So drastisch wirkt sich der Klimawandel in Südafrika aus. Forscher entwickeln aus den Bildern Vorhersagen für andere Regionen....

'Humble and compassionate' prof wins WWF Living Planet Awardwww.timeslive.co.za › news › south-africa ›

· The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has announced leading arid zone ecologist Prof Timm Hoffman as the winner of its prestigious Living ...
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