Timo Hopp Person-Info 

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Kabarettist Timo Hopp in Heringen : , Uhrnnz-online

— Kabarettist Timo Hopp in Heringen. Jedes Jahr am zweiten Septemberwochenende, in diesem Jahr vom 8. bis 10.

Ryugu kam vom Rand des SonnensystemsCosmos indirekt

Timo Hopp et al. Ryugu's nucleosynthetic hertiage from the outskirts of the Solar System. Science Advances (2022). Eine internationale Forschergruppe mit ...

2017 Radioactive Cloud over Europe Had Civilian SourceChemistryViews

— Non-natural ruthenium isotope ratios of the undeclared atmospheric release consistent with civilian nuclear activities, Timo Hopp, Dorian ...

Asteroid Ryugu: Arrived from the edge of the solar systemmyScience

— Timo Hopp et al: Ryugu's nucleosynthetic heritage from the outskirts of the Solar System, Science Advances, 20 October 2022, doi sciadv.
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