Timothy McVeigh Person-Info 

( Ich bin Timothy McVeigh)


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Google News: Right Wing Militias & NRA: 2nd Amendment Soulmates

[Opposing Views] - Six days later, as NRA members found this noxious letter in their mail, Timothy McVeigh, convinced that the time to resist federal tyranny had arrived

Absent Peacemakers Nobel Awards Peace Prize to Jailbird Liu Xiaobo

[The Spoof (satire)] - Why doesn't the Nobel Committee just go all out and award the Nobel Peace Prize posthumously to Timothy McVeigh, for outstanding achievement in blowing

Thirroul firefighter's odyssey to Twin Towers

[Illawara Mercury] - They stopped in Oklahoma, at the site where Timothy McVeigh detonated a truck bomb outside a large building in 1995, killing 168 people, including 19

Google News: Will posting comments here put YOU on the government's watch list?

[Examiner.com] - Timothy McVeigh was an avid reader of The Turner Diaries and was possibly motivated by its content to conduct his attack on the Oklahoma City Murrah Federal
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