Timothy Nuy und African Person-Info 

( Ich bin Timothy Nuy)
(1 - 10 von 13

MyBucks - the first African focused Fintech company listed in Germany...

MyBucks - the first African focused Fintech company listed in Germany - starts trading today on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange | MyBucks S.A. | News...

Finnovation Kenya Will Be Held on the June 18th

Finnovation Kenya will provide platform to connect innovative start-ups with leading investors in African FinTech space and the Wolves’ Den session.

🗞 Fast and easy loans for millions of Africans — Steemit

The listed fintech company Mybucks wants to create financial inclusion in Africa - by mobile phone The company… by sarasate

DGAP-News: MyBucks - the first African focused Fintech

Discover more at: www.mybucks.com Press Contact Timothy Nuy, Executive Director, MyBucks Phone: + Email: ...