Timothy Nuy und Ceo Person-Info 

( Ich bin Timothy Nuy)
(1 - 18 von 19

MyBucks - Continued efforts to turn the business around

This was accompanied by several management board changes, including the departure of Timothy Nuy (CEO) who was hired last year to lead the restructuring process. Meanwhile, MBC had postponed the ...

MyBucks - Entering a restructuring phase

Simultaneously, Dave van Niekerk agreed to retire from the CEO position and was replaced by Timothy Nuy, MBC's former CEO. In response to ...

Qwoted - Event: Impact Investing Conference 2017

... Innpact Sàrl Arvind Narula, Owner & CEO, Urmatt Ltd Timothy Nuy, Executive Director, MyBucks Vincent Oswald, Member of the Board of Managers, European Impact Investing Platform Independent consultant in the impact investing space Edda Schröder, Founder and Managing Director, Invest in Visions Manuel Tonnar, ...

MYBUCKS S.A. (FRA:LU ) MyBucks S.A. proposes capital ...www.webdisclosure.com › mybucks-s-a › news

· ... van Niekerk retires as Executive Chairman and CEO, and is replaced as Independent Chairman by Christopher Hall and as CEO by Timothy Nuy.