Tina Chang Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tina Chang)


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Meet the new poet laureate — Tina Chang!

New Brooklyn laureate Tina Chang, 40, is just such a poet, as we learned in this exclusive interview with Gersh Kuntzman, senior reporter on our poet laureate beat: Gersh Kuntzman: Congratulations on being the new poet laureate. Now, why should we care? Tina Chang: Adrienne Rich once said that ...

Tina Chang – Lyrikzeitung & Poetry News

Beiträge über Tina Chang von lyrikzeitung

C.K. Williams Reading Series: Tina Chang

Tina Chang was raised in New York City. She is the first female to be named Poet Laureate of Brooklyn and is the author of the collections of poetry Hybrida (2019),
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Tina Chang
Vorname "Tina" (25126)
Name "Chang" (1566)
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