Tina Pollmann Person-Info 

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Café und Kosmos - Aktuelles

Tina Pollmann von der Technischen Universität München berichtet von DEAP, einem neuen Experiment zur direkten Beobachtung von Dunkler Materie, welches in den letzten Jahren im SNOLAB Untergrundlabor in Ontario, Kanada, zwei Kilometer unter Tage aufgebaut wurde. nach oben

MLL-Kolloquium: Dr. Tina Pollmann (Physik Department E15, TUM) :The...

Description: Dark matter in the form of weakly interacting massive particles WIMPs) is currently the favoured explanation for the universe's missing mass problem, but ...

MLL-Kolloquium: Dr. Tina Pollmann (Laurentian University, Sudbury,...

The DEAP experiment, located 2 km underground at SNOLAB in Sudbury, Canada, uses a 3.6 ton (1 ton fiducial) single-phase liquid argon target to search for Dark Matter particles in the form of WIMPs. The projected sensitivity to the spin-independent WIMP-nucleon scattering cross-section is 10^-46 cm2, about one order of magnitude improvement over current searches at 100 GeV …
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