Tobias Koenig Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tobias Koenig)


(1 - 4 von 19
) Qt für VxWorks und mit Verständnis für XML-Schema | heise online

Qt läuft auf einem weiteren Echtzeitbetriebssystem, und in der nächsten Version sollte es XML-Dateien validieren können.

Black Bredbo garlic the new gourmet delight | The Canberra Times |...
Farmers make great sales people when they have something different to offer

How one family uses biodynamic farming to rejuvenate weathered...
— Beatrice and Tobias Koenig have been biodynamic farming for more than 40 years. (ABC Radio Canberra: Penny Travers). › news › bi...

KAddressbook- interview met Tobias Koenig
Please introduce yourself, what is your role in the KDE project? I'm Tobias Koenig, a 22 year old computer science student, currently living in Dresden (Germany). I'm maintaining KAddressbook, the addressbook application for KDE and working on the underlying addressbook library kabc. I'm also working on Kontact and ...
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