Tobias Rothoeft und German Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tobias Rothoeft)
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"Bimbo farfalla" salvato da terapia genetica sviluppata a Modena
Seguici su Facebook Seguici su Twitter Seguici su Google+ Seguici su Linkedin Seguici su Youtube Seguici su Instagram ... in Germania perché “aveva sviluppato un'infezione per la quale aveva rapidamente perso circa due terzi della superficie di epidermide”, ha spiegato Tobias Rothoeft dell'ospedale. › post › genetically-altered-skin-sa...Genetically Altered Skin Saves A Boy Dying Of A Rare ...
Tobias Rothoeft, a surgeon at a burn unit at Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany, says he and his colleagues tried everything — including a ...

Boy with rare disease gets most of skin replaced through gene therapy...
De Luca said the boy will be monitored closely for skin cancer and other potential issues. "This kid is back to his normal life again," one of the German doctors, Dr. Tobias Rothoeft, said Wednesday. "That's what we dreamed of doing and it was possible." Details of the case were published Wednesday in the ...