Tonia Couch und Diving Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tonia Couch)
(1 - 38 von 64

Rio Olympics diving: Tonia Couch looking after teenage dive...
Three-time Olympian Tonia Couch will be “looking after” her 16-year-old diving partner as the pair bid for glory in Rio tonight.

Tonia Couch consoles herself after diving flop - Daily Star
TONIA COUCH consoled herself with a burger after she and Sarah Barrow failed to end Britain’s 52-year wait for a women’s Olympic diving medallist in the...

Guardian: Glasgow 2014: Sarah Barrow and Tonia Couch happy with diving silver |...

England’s Sarah Barrow and Tonia Couch were satisfied with silver despite having led the women’s synchronised 10m platform into the last round

London Olympics: Tonia Couch criticises Team GB diving chief...
Tonia Couch has hit out at British Diving performance director Alexei Evangulov for not telling her of his decision to omit her from the individual 10 metre...