Toxic Shock und Tampon Person-Info 

( Ich bin Toxic Shock)
(1 - 30 von 47

Use tampons? Don't panic about toxic shock syndrome - CNN
Toxic shock syndrome is incredibly rare. And if you use tampons properly, your risk of developing it is no higher than that of a man who's never ...

What is toxic shock syndrome and what does it have to do with...
Toxic shock syndrome is often found in young women who use tampons, but can affect anyone, including men, women and children of any age.

Monmouthshire family's call after girl's toxic shock syndrome death -...
The family of a teenager who died after using a tampon for the first time call for the effects of toxic shock syndrome to be taught in all schools.

Toxic Shock Syndrome: The myths that need busting
Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), which she claims was caused by her tampon. She's currently suing Kotex, the particular brand she used ...
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