Toxic Shock und Tss Person-Info 

( Ich bin Toxic Shock)
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Toxic Shock Syndrom: Symptome richtig erkennen
Mit scheinbar harmlosen Rückenschmerzen fängt alles an. Dann schmerzt ihr ganzer Körper: Saskia kann sich kaum noch bewegen. Die Diagnose: TSS.

Mom who nearly died from Toxic Shock Syndrome warns on dangers of...
A Philadelphia woman is sharing her harrowing experience with Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) in the hopes that it will help spread awareness ...

Toxic Shock Syndrome: The myths that need busting
Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), which she claims was caused by her tampon. She's currently suing Kotex, the particular brand she used ...

Menstrual cups may pose greater risk of toxic shock syndrome than...
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) has long-been associated with tampon use, but a new study claims that menstrual cups could pose an even ...
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Vorname "Toxic" (22)
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