Tricia Hamilton Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tricia Hamilton)


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House is raffle prize after failing to sell for a year | The Times
A hatmaker is hoping to sell her 19th-century four-bedroom cottage near Bristol, which has been on the market for a year, by raffling it for £2 a ticket. T

Woman auctioning off $1.5M cottage for $14 per ticket
A businesswoman is raffling off her $1.5 million cottage — and the lucky winner will have all fees and stamp duty paid for. Tricia Hamilton, a ...

How to buy a £1m house for just £10 - complete with solar panels and...
Tricia Hamilton is selling tickets for £10 and says the winner will take ownership of her 19th Century cottage.

Guardian: NHS reforms: the NHS Direct nurse's view | Society | The Guardian

Tricia Hamilton, clinical director/chief nurse of NHS Direct at Middlebrook in Bolton earns £80,000 to £100,000
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