Ulli Bomans und Album Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ulli Bomans)
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ULLI BOMANS "Swinton-Siblings" | Shitkatapult

Unser Künstler ULLI BOMANS bringt seine neues Album RIVEN im Juni im Hause Shitkatapult heraus. Hiermit läd er herzlich ein zur KULTURELLEN LANDPARTIE im Raum2 in

Hackenporsche | Album Release | ULLI BOMANS: SORT BY DRAGGING –...

ALBUM RELEASE: ULLI BOMANS: SORT BY DRAGGING. LLYPHON WEES. Bremen artist ULLI BOMANS is releasing his second album under his real name, ‘SORT BY DRAGGING,’ on the Berlin-based SHITKATAPULT label.

ULLI BOMANS - OUT NOW! | Shitkatapult

Ulli Bomans - Sort By Dragging ULLI BOMANS is releasing his second album under his real name, ‘SORT BY DRAGGING,’ on the SHITKATAPULT label. His debut album ‘Riven’ followed a long series of music productions under his alias Schieres and numerous maxis, albums, remixes and tours together with T.Raumschmiere and their band Shrubbn!!.

Planlos Bremen

Wo: Spedition: Wann: um 21:00 Uhr: Was: Konzert: Kurz: ambient noise oder so was in der art Ulli Bomans (Schieres) spielt sein neues Album “Sort by