Ulrich Jentschura Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ulrich Jentschura)


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Colloquium: Ulrich Jentschura | Events - Notre Dame PhysicsUniversity of Notre Dame

— Quantum electrodynamics: Recent developments (pdf). Prof. Ulrich Jentschura University of Missouri - Rolla. Host: Jonathan Sapirstein.

Bound-Electron g Factor and the Fine-Structure Constant ...der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Ulrich Jentschura (MPI für Kernphysik, Heidelberg). Recent progress in bound-state quantum electrodynamics has led to a significant increase in the accuracy of ...

Cesium-Francium Atomic Fountain for Measuring the Electron ...Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (.gov)

Ulrich Jentschura (Missouri University of Science and Technology). John Behr and Matt Pearson (TRIUMF). Supported by the Electron Electric Dipole Moment ...

Instanton Solutions to Field Equations: From Quantum ...infn.it

by Ulrich Jentschura (Missouri S&T University, Rolla Department of Physics & University of Heidelberg). Tuesday 27 Feb 2018, 14:30 → 16:00 Europe/Rome.
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