Ulrich Kleinwechter Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ulrich Kleinwechter)


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German support for TS seed valley project - The Hindu

— ... of Food and Agriculture led by Doris Heberle and Ulrich Kleinwechter, Secretaries of the Ministry and Head of International Projects. › cities

REDD-PAC Project

Ulrich Kleinwechter (IIASA) - Economic theory behind GLOBIOM. Aline Mosnier (IIASA) - Future deforestation projections: comparison of different approaches.

Europatat welcomes European Parliament plenary vote on plant health |...

Europatat welcomes the European Parliament plenary vote on plant health that results in more responsibilities for operators and a common sense on trade

Potato News from Belgium | Page 28 PotatoPro

World trade in fresh potatoes, Ulrich Kleinwechter, Perspectives and Foresight. Europatat welcomes European Parliament plenary vote on plant health. › news
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