Unk Gun Person-Info 

( Ich bin Unk Gun)


Page 3 — The Daily Banner 19 September Hoosier State ...newspapers.library.in.gov › ...

... in Third Corps Area maneuvers at Fort Meade, Md., set up a .50 calibre anti-Unk gun capable of penetrating the heavy side* of the "jeep-wagons,".

Richmond daily register (Richmond, Madison County, Ky ...kentuckynewspapers.org › catalog

This was ' tin Unk gun of the season and tiie local boys proved themselves to be in first class condi- tion, and thf team is expected to de- feat every team it goes ...

12 Jun WITH A.I.F. IN TYRE. - Trove

Australian troops are in action along the Litani River, four miles north of Tyre. As I write I can hear the crash of ...

15 Oct CONVOY TOURS IN COUNTRY Recruiting Plan - Trove

Three military convoys will set out on country tours on Friday on behalf of the State Recruiting Committee and the War ...
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Vorname "Unk" (60)
Name "Gun" (340)
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