Urooj Kamran Person-Info 

( Ich bin Urooj Kamran)


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U.S.-Based Pulitzer Center Fellows will meet with NU-Q students | Al...

Most recently, Convict of 302, a documentary produced by two NU-Q student granteess, Urooj Kamran Azmi and Shakeeb Asrar, was screened ...

Dawn-ePaper | Dec 10, | Film festival marks launch of Karachi...

Of the Rulers, an 18-minute film, by PAF-Kiet`s Syed Owais Ali, Urooj Kamran Azmi, Adam Sobel and Anne Sobel was about this tractor driver ...

Asians Against Domestic Abuse raises awareness, funds

More than 200 people attended the luncheon, which event chairs Shantha Raghuthaman and...

NU-Q students join 159th commencement - Northwestern Now

From left to right, NU-Q graduates Shakeeb Asrar, Faizan Shakir, Urooj Kamran Azmi, Vibhav Gautam, Shuhan Zhang and Jemina Legaspi ...
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