Urszula Says Person-Info 

( Ich bin Urszula Says)


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Live video dating: Finding love online with an audienceBBC

— Urszula says the feedback has changed her approach to dating. She learned that she often cuts men off mid-sentence and is now a better ...

Three head Polish team for Marrakech | NEWS - World Athleticsworldathletics.org

Robert Korzeniowski is her sports idol. Javelin thrower to follow “obviously Oseidys Menendez. “Everyone would love to compete like her,” Urszula says. She has ...

China crypto crackdown fallout; Politician turns influencer ...Forkast News

— Urszula says there's no need for retail investors to panic just yet. But for those looking to move their crypto assets out of Hong Kong, ...

What Trump Needs To Learn About LeadershipBusinessBecause

— That attitude doesn't make for a great leader. “I'd teach Trump the idea of humble leadership,” Urszula says. Recognize your limitations, rely ...
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