Utz Klages und Pesticides Person-Info 

( Ich bin Utz Klages)
(1 - 11 von 16

Ban pesticides linked to bee deaths, say MPs - BBC News

The UK government should introduce a moratorium on the use of neonicotinoid pesticides linked to the deaths of bees, a report by MPs says.

Guardian: Soil Association urges ban on pesticides to halt bee deaths | Bees |...

Beekeepers worldwide have reported catastrophic losses of honeybee colonies during last two years

Syngenta and Bayer sell ‘dangerous’ pesticides in India - SWI...

Swiss agrochemicals firm Syngenta and Germany’s Bayer have been accused of distributing dangerous pesticides in India’s Punjab region without ...

Ban pesticides linked to bee deaths, say MPs

— ... and it is clear that when they are used responsibly and properly, any impact on bees is negligible,” said Utz Klages of Bayer. › ba...