Vanessa Brandl und Peter Person-Info 

( Ich bin Vanessa Brandl)
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Liebfrauenschule feiert „Nachabiball“ -
— ... Vanessa Brandl, Felix Göggel, Aleyna Turhan; aus Winterlingen: Natalie Koch (B), Anne-Sophie Landenberger (P), Hendryk Laxy, Simon Peters — ... Vanessa Brandl, Felix Göggel, Aleyna Turhan; aus Winterlingen: Natalie Koch (B), Anne-Sophie Landenberger (P), Hendryk Laxy, Simon Peters ...

Munich, Germany. 29th Sep, The singer Patrick Lindner › munich-german...
... his life partner Peter Schäfer (l-r) the actors Mark Keller Günter Brandl, Christine Brandl Leitner and Vanessa Brandl celebrate in the Käferzelt on the Wiesn.