Verena Alves Person-Info 

( Ich bin Verena Alves)


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globo: Ficha Técnica | Meu Bem Querer | memoriaglobo

Autor destacava, com romance e humor, os pitorescos personagens da fictícia São Tomás de Trás, no Nordeste

Jungeun Oh - Zwischenräume | Interspaces - Art Week
... that convey an ideal, metaphysical and abstract notion of beauty. Insofar the “interspaces” are to be seen philosophically as well. Verena ALVES-RICHTER ... › germany

KOREAKOREA 1 - Exhibition at Galerie Son in Berlin - ArtRabbit
... and the subtle questioning of the role of architecture. These artists tackle borders of different kinds as their subject matter. by Verena ALVES-RICHTER ... › events

KWUN Sun Cheol - Face - der Kunst- und Kulturkalender
— Da wird diese Suche als zentrales Anliegen seiner Kunst am Deutlichsten. von Verena Alves-Richter. › Veranstaltungen
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