Victoria Romanova Person-Info 

( Ich bin Victoria Romanova)


(1 - 4 von 19

Ukraine shrugs off threat to Eurovision after resignations | Reuters
Ukraine's preparations to host the Eurovision Song Contest in May will not be derailed by the high-profile resignations of several organizing members,...

Guardian: Eurovision 2017: Ukraine warned show must go on as organising team...

Organisation that founded song contest tells Ukraine’s public broadcaster to ‘stick to the timeline’ following mass resignations

Ist das ESC-Finale in Kiew gefährdet? | MDR.DE
Knapp zweieinhalb Monate vor dem ESC-Finale in Kiew sind 20 wichtige Mitarbeiter des Organisationsteams zurückgetreten. Außerdem fehlt dem ukrainischen...
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Vorname "Victoria" (9976)
Name "Romanova" (95)
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