Viki Chan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Viki Chan)


72andSunny Launches Action-packed Planet-hopping Trailer for Destiny...
Little Black Book, Joseph Kosinski shoots an epic live-action trailer for the release of Activision's newest IP

Discover how to rise through the ranks in your film career |
Listen to Digital Domain's Viki Chan (B.F.A. video/film) discuss how film and visual effects students can accelerate their careers. Digital Domain ...

Liberty 'Answer' | LBBOnline
Little Black Book, FoxP2, Velocity and Digital Domain create a deconstructing city scape

Learn about how to work in the U.S. after your OPT visa expires |...
Concerned about working in the U.S. beyond your 12 months of Optional Practical Training? This presentation will cover details about the transition from an F-1 visa to H-1B as well as the O-1 visa, based on the experience of former international student Viki Chan (B.F.A. video/film).
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