Vikram Chandra Person-Info 

( Ich bin Vikram Chandra)


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Zac O'Yeah. Reborn as Indian
[Deutsche Welle] - The difference is that now we're getting home-grown Indian heroes in fiction. I think perhaps the best example is Sartaj Singh, the cop hero in Vikram Chandra's fabulous feat of imagination, "Sacred Games", a massive crime novel set in Bombay. In it

Taz: Mit verächtlicher Liebe -

SPASSVÖGEL Kiran Nagarkar lässt das Erzählen Purzelbaum schlagen in der labyrinthischen Stadt: der Mumbai-Roman „Die Statisten“

Bay Area authors Rabih Alameddine and Vikram Chandra receive National...
San Francisco author Rabih Alameddine, who was nominated for a National Book Award for
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