Viktor Yanukovych Person-Info 

( Ich bin Viktor Yanukovych)


(1 - 4 von 133
) Viktor Yanukovych Interview: Ukraine Has Become a Wild ...

Viktor Yanukovych went underground following the Maidan Square uprising in Kiev three years ago, but this week he resurfaced. On Tuesday night, the former Ukrainian president unveiled a nine-page ...

From Russia, no love for Viktor Yanukovych - CNN
In his first public appearance since he was ousted from the Ukrainian presidency, Viktor Yanukovych says he's still the boss and wants to lead ...

Key players in Ukraine's opposition movement - Europe - DW.DE
Having toppled President Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine's opposition movement is experiencing newfound power. The question now is who will emerge ...

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Vorname "Viktor" (8483)
Name "Yanukovych" (1)
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