Ville Ritola und Paavo Nurmi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ville Ritola)
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Guardian: 50 stunning Olympic moments No31: Paavo Nurmi wins 5,000m in |...

Simon Burnton: In feat after astonishing feat at the Olympics, Paavo Nurmi won without apparent exertion. As this reclusive character keep going for gold,...

Nurmi’s heir? El Guerrouj embarks on historic m journey in...
Ville Ritola leads Paavo Nurmi at the Olympics (Getty Images) © Copyright ... his compatriot and arch-rival Ville Ritola, who earlier had won the 10,000m ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Ville Ritola
Vorname "Ville" (284)
Name "Ritola" (6)