Vina Apsara Person-Info 

( Ich bin Vina Apsara)


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CNN - 'The Ground Beneath Her Feet' - April 15, 1999
Vina Apsara woke sobbing from a dream of human sacrifice in ...

Salman Rushdie's “The Ground Beneath Her Feet” | The Daily Star
Orpheus, the greatest musician to have ever lived, loses his wife Eurydice to a snakebite and goes to the underworld to seek her, using his songs in an attempt...

Ganja Growing in the Tin - TIME
Ganja Growing in the Tin

Rushdie's eternal Asha | undefined News - Times of India
Fury, the latest novel from Salman Rushdie, has been described as a barely disguised treatment of the author's own marriage break-up, his flight to Ne
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Salma Hayek
Vorname "Vina" (113)
Name "Apsara" (5)
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