Viola Vogel und Eth Zurich Person-Info 

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IPLS Seminar - Prof. Viola Vogel (ETH Zurich) | Institute for the...
IPLS Seminar - Prof. Viola Vogel (ETH Zurich). 03 March 2017, 12:00 pm. Viola Vogel. Event Information. Open to. All ...

22nd Single Molecule Workshop | PicoQuant
Viola Vogel (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) Katrin Willig (Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine, Germany) Paul W. Wiseman (McGill University, USA) Haw Yang (Princeton University, USA) Schedule. The program is still available for download: Program Single Molecule Workshop 2016;

Ursula Keller, Nenad Ban, and Viola Vogel appointed members of › press
· Pictured: Nenad Ban, Ursula Keller, and Viola Vogel. (Photographs: ETH Zurich). Zurich, Switzerland -- Admission to the American National ...

Anchoring points determine fate of stem cells
Viola Vogel / ETH Zurich. ( -- Researchers were positive: a substrate's softness influences the behaviour of stem cells in culture.