Violet Evergarden und Anime Person-Info 

( Ich bin Violet Evergarden)
(1 - 35 von 197

Love, loss, and letters | The Daily Star
Violet Evergarden is an anime that explores human emotions, both basic and complex, in a way that makes you step back and think about why you feel the way you...

Kyoto Animation fire: Arson attack at Japan anime studio kills › news › world-asia
One of KyoAni's series, Violet Evergarden, was picked up by Netflix for a global market. Floral tributes Image copyright Reuters Image caption ...

Guardian: Violet Evergarden: The Movie review – a breathtaking return for › film › jun › violet-evergar...

· A sequel to the anime series, the film quickly recaps Violet Evergarden's painful origin story. The story takes place in Leidenschaftlich, an ...