Virgil I. Grissom und Apollo Person-Info 

( Ich bin Virgil I. Grissom)
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Memorial Service for Apollo 1 Astronauts Virgil Grissom, Edward...
Memorial service for fallen heroes

FOCUS: Universum: "Apollo 1": Vor 50 Jahren ereignete sich die erste...

Voller Optimismus wollte die Nasa vor 50 Jahren ihr Mondprogramm ´Apollo´ starten, doch dann passierte schon gleich zu Beginn die Tragödie. Die Raumkapsel...

Gus Grissom: Hoosier hero remembered 50 years after Apollo 1 disaster
When you hear about Gus Grissom, you may think of the Penn-Harris-Madison middle school or Grissom Air Force Base. On the 50th anniversary of his January 27,...

Gus Grissom - NASA History › Apollo204 › zorn › grissom
On April 13, 1959, Air Force Captain Virgil Grissom received official word that he had been selected as one of the seven Project Mercury astronauts. Six others ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Virgil I. Grissom
Vorname "Virgil" (422)
Name "Grissom" (42)