Virginia S. College Person-Info 

( Ich bin Virginia S. College)


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Police: Student shot 2 women at Virginia community college | CNN
Two women were shot Friday at a Virginia community college located in a mall, a city spokeswoman said. The suspect is in custody, she added.

Taz: Islamophobie im US-Militär: Mekka und Medina zerstören -

US-Offiziere lernten in einem Ausbildungskurs, wie Krieg gegen den Islam geführt werden sollte – inklusive Atombombe. Erst jetzt meldete sich ein Teilnehmer...

Gunman kills 2 Virginia college officers, arrested - Times of India
US News: BRIDGEWATER: A gunman shot and … two campus officers at a private college Tuesday, prompting a protracted lockdown and search before the suspect .
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Vorname "Virginia" (2515)
Name "College" (217)
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