Vladislav Butenko Person-Info 

( Ich bin Vladislav Butenko)


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BCG outlines $170 billion FDI potential for Central Asia over next...

Boston Consulting Group has outlined a $170 billion foreign direct investment potential for Central Asia over the next ten years.

Rossiyada oltita avtomobil zavodi yopilishi mumkin ,...

Bu yil sotiladigan avtomobillar hajmi 1,9 mln donani tashkil qilishi kutilmoqda. Ekspertlar fikriga koʻra, buning sababi - neft narxining tushib ketishi va...

Women of the Middle East and their struggle — News — Research and...

Speaker: Vladislav Butenko, RUDN University. On May15th, the next seminar of the research group "Comparative Analysis of Male and ...

Xalqaro ekspert: «O‘zbekiston investitsiya bozorida yangi chiqayotgan...

Toshkent shahrida bo‘lib o‘tayotgan Moskva xalqaro munosabatlar davlat instituti bitiruvchilarining V forumida dunyoning investitsion xaritasi, investitsiya...
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