Volker Kettelhake und Director Person-Info 

( Ich bin Volker Kettelhake)
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The world's most trusted name in belts, hose and hydraulics

Together with Volker Kettelhake, Sales Director, Urs Blöchlinger and Andreas Klaffner, Sales Managers at Gates, people at Uiker' s celebrated 40 years of co-operation ...

Wiadomości z rynku części zamiennych dla motoryzacji

Volker Kettelhake (left), Gates Sales Director PT Unit Europe, clearly enjoys speaking at the party celebrating 40 years of co-operation with Uiker, one of Gates' top P.T. Distributors. March 23, meant party time at Uiker' s, a renowned Gates P.T. Distributor in Switzerland. Together with Volker Kettelhake, Sales Director, ...