Volker Tresp und Machine Learning Person-Info 

( Ich bin Volker Tresp)
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"Quantum Machine Learning - Integrating Hardware and Software ...www.munich-quantum-valley.de › neuigkeiten › qml-winter-workshop-2023

AP · Volker Tresp, LMU; Markus Hoffman, Google Research. Organisatoren. Christopher Eichler (FAU); Michael Hartmann (FAU); Florian Marquardt (MPL) ...

As sensors proliferate, opportunities are emerging in the field of...

According to Dr. Volker Tresp, one of Siemens' top machine learning authorities and a computer science professor at Ludwig Maximillian University in Munich, there are three kinds of learning: memorization (such as the ability to remember facts); skills (such as the ability to learn to throw a ball); and ...