Walter De Haas Person-Info 

( Ich bin Walter De Haas)


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In Kindheitserinnerung und aus Dank
[Gmünder Tagespost (Abonnement)] - Da bat Walter Wahl seinen Schnitzerfreund Josef Haas aus Leinweiler um Mithilfe. In den vergangenen drei Jahren schnitzten die beiden nach Absprache mit dem

Financial exec lists in 4BD home in Phoenix
[Blockshopper] - He holds a BS in business administration from the University of California-Berkeley Walter A. Haas School of Business. According to

Top 10 Bay Area Opening Days
[Santa Rosa Press Democrat] - It marked the beginning of the Walter Haas ownership era — one that would produce huge gains in attendance and three consecutive World Series appearances

Dufty endorses Prozan in D8 race
[Bay Area Reporter] and the actual political differences between them is measured in a little finger," said David, executive director of the Walter and Elise Haas Fund.
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