Waseem Amer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Waseem Amer)


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Start-up secures funding to control air-conditioner usage

Product allows user to control appliance via Android or iOS app

Cielo's Smart Controls - HVAC Web Connection

says Waseem Amer, the CEO of Cielo WiGle Inc. Cielo's Eco System of Device Hardware, AWS IoT Cloud and Mobile Apps- Innovative & Futuristic! › ...

Professional training: Project to impart driving skills to 100 women...

The project aims to identify 100 women and impart expert driving skills to improve their household income

Cielo Expanding Its Product Portfolio by Newswire

— In the words of Waseem Amer, the CEO of Cielo WiGle Inc., "An innovative design process, with the customer forming the base of it, ... › news
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