Wayne Klotz und President Person-Info 

( Ich bin Wayne Klotz)
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Engineers give U.S. infrastructure poor grades - Reuters

— ... the nation's infrastructure crisis is endangering our future prosperity,” the group's president, D. Wayne Klotz, said in a statement. › article

Engineers give U.S. infrastructure poor grades

... health, and the nation's infrastructure crisis is endangering our future prosperity,' the group's president, D. Wayne Klotz, said in a statement.

Proposed Water Trust Fund Bill Would Provide Solid Foundation for...

According to ASCE president D. Wayne Klotz, P.E., D.WRE, F.ASCE, "Every day we rely on seemingly invisible water and wastewater systems ...

U.S. stimulus likely to target infrastructure needs | Reuterswww.reuters.com › article

· ... and the state is waiting to get funding,” said Wayne Klotz, the Texas-based president of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
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