Wayne Pettigrew-Mathieu Person-Info 

( Ich bin Wayne Pettigrew-Mathieu)


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Ex-Marine arrested with fake gun at Orlando Airport wanted to speak...

A mentally distressed ex-Marine who pointed a fake handgun at police in the Orlando International Airport and shouted

Michael-Wayne-Pettigrew | National Post

Read the latest news and coverage on Michael Wayne Pettigrew. View images, videos, and more on Michael Wayne Pettigrew on National Post.

Michael Wayne Pettigrew - Bio, News, Photos - Washington Times

Latest news and commentary on Michael Wayne Pettigrew including photos, videos, quotations, and a biography.

Cops arrest man at airport with fake gun seeking ‘suicide by cop’

Michael Wayne Pettigrew, 26, was in “mental distress” when police surrounded him at the rental car area of the airport, authorities said. He pointed what looked like a real gun at officers and himself, authorities said. “Our negotiators did a phenomenal job of talking with the subject for about two hours and ...
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Name "Pettigrew-Mathieu" (1)
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