Wazha Dube Person-Info 

( Ich bin Wazha Dube)


Nonprofit's mentoring program targets young talent: Travel Weekly

It's become a familiar lament among travel agency owners and managers: the challenges in finding smart, capable young people interested in careers as agents.

PropelTO networking group replaces YTP with no age limit - Travelweek

· “In March, the Toronto Board received an email from Wazha Dube, an original founder of YTP, saying: 'The travel industry has evolved and the ...

Young Travel Professionals chapter flourishes in PAXnewswest.paxeditions.com › news

In 2013, Jessica attended a Virtuoso conference and met Wazha Dube, one of the original founders of YTP. “Wazha and I immediately clicked," ...
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Name "Dube" (1021)
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