Whitney Duncan und Survivor Person-Info 

( Ich bin Whitney Duncan)
(1 - 25 von 31

'Survivor' contestant Whitney Duncan's secret marriage revealed - CNN

Whitney Duncan's "Survivor: South Pacific" bio says she is 27, resides in Nashville and is a country music singer.

'Survivor's' Whitney Duncan (almost) divorced - CNN

"Survivor" contestant Whitney Duncan's recently revealed secret marriage to musician Donny Fallgatter is almost over after 15 months.

Amazing Race's Keith and Whitney: We Shouldn't Have Fought With...

One mat spat was all it took to get Keith and Whitney eliminated from The Amazing Race. While waiting for a clue, the Survivor alums got into it with Shelley...

Here's the Proof! Survivor's Whitney Duncan Was a Married Woman While...

E! News has obtained info direct from her marriage certificate, verified just this week