William Prager und Professor Person-Info 

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Professor Norman Fleck receives The William Prager MedalUniversity of Cambridge

— The William Prager medal is awarded annually to an individual who has made exceptional research contributions to theoretical or experimental ...

Encyclopedia Brunoniana | Prager, William

William Prager ( ), professor of applied mathematics, was born in Karlsruhe, Germany on May 23, He was educated at the Institute of Technology at Darmstadt and became a professor in the Institute of Technology at Karlsruhe and a consultant to the Fiesler Aircraft Company at Kassel.

Ted Belytschko Receives William Prager Medal | Newswww.mccormick.northwestern.edu › article_983

Ted Belytschko Receives William Prager Medal. Oct 13, Ted Belytschko, McCormick Professor and Walter P. Murphy Professor of Mechanical Engineering and ...

Prager, William,

Biography. Abstract. William Prager was Emeritus Professor of Engineering and Applied Mathematics at Brown University ( ).