Wolfgang Reitzle und Chairman Person-Info 

( Ich bin Wolfgang Reitzle)
(1 - 35 von 134

Spiegel.de: SPIEGEL Interview with Gerhard Cromme: 'We Must Guide Siemens Back to...

Siemens Supervisory Board Chairman Gerhard Cromme discusses the company's unusual search for a new CEO, the no less unusual reasons for the departure of its...

Steve Angel: Linde-Chef will Wolfgang Reitzle als Chairman nachfolgen...

Der CEO des Gasekonzerns macht sich bereit für seine Ablöse – und für den Sprung auf den Posten des Chefkontrolleurs. Der Führungswechsel könnte im Frühling...

Linde chairman ready to use casting vote for Praxair merger | The...

The chairman of German industrial gases group Linde is prepared to use his casting vote to push through a $65 billion merger with U.S. rival Praxair in the...

Linde chairman defends Praxair deal - paper - Reuters

Linde Chairman Wolfgang Reitzle has defended his plan for a $70 billion merger with U.S. rival Praxair , telling a German newspaper it was a good deal for...