Wolfgang Reitzle und Supervisory Person-Info 

( Ich bin Wolfgang Reitzle)
(1 - 29 von 63

Spiegel.de: Analysis of Siemens Outlook Following Departure of CEO - DER SPIEGEL

Joe Kaeser has been voted in unanimously as the new Siemens CEO in a triumph for supervisory board head Gerhard Cromme, who has defeated his critics for now....

Spiegel.de: SPIEGEL Interview with Gerhard Cromme: 'We Must Guide Siemens Back to...

Siemens Supervisory Board Chairman Gerhard Cromme discusses the company's unusual search for a new CEO, the no less unusual reasons for the departure of its...

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

As Siemens AG supervisory board representatives met over the weekend to discuss the ouster of Chief Executive Officer Peter Loescher, his successor traveled...

Hawesko Holding AG: Wolfgang Reitzle joins the supervisory board

HAWESKO Holding AG / Hawesko Holding AG: Wolfgang Reitzle joins the supervisory board . Processed and transmitted by NASDAQ OMX Corporate…