World Trade und Organization Person-Info 

( Ich bin World Trade)
(1 - 38 von 64
) World Trade Organization in Trouble amid Trump Trade War - DER SPIEGEL

U.S. President Donald Trump has set his sights squarely on the World Trade Organization in Geneva. Even its critics are worried that without the organization,...

The U.S. will not be at World Trade Organization meeting — because it...
The revelation comes on the heels of the conclusion of tumultuous negotiations between Canada, the United States and Mexico over free trade in North America

Timeline: World Trade Organization - BBC › business
Image caption The World Trade Organization's director general is Roberto Azevedo of Brazil. A chronology of key events: October countries sign the ...

Opinion: The World Trade Organization faces its most important...
The organization faces a crucial moment as it looks to replace its current leader, Roberto Azevedo, who is leaving a year earlier than the end of his mandate
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu World Trade
Vorname "World" (286)
Name "Trade" (77)