Yasser Hegazy Person-Info 

( Ich bin Yasser Hegazy)


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ASU | Signing agreements between Ain Shams University and...

توقيع اتفاقيات بين جامعة عين شمس وشركة شلمبرجير العالمية لتأهيل طلاب كليتى الهندسة والعلوم

Newsboard - Niten Institute Cairo

· ... being a part of Niten family in a journey of continues learning under sensei Jorge Kishikawa, senpai Wenzel. Yasser Hegazy "

Arab Finance - News - CBE's automobile committee resumes work soon

It is worth mentioning that the committee comprised of Mounir El Zahid, the chairperson of Banque du Caire; Khaled Saad, secretary of the EAMA; Ashraf El Bahy, head of the control sector in the CBE; Yasser Hegazy, vice president of the GUC; Sherif Hammad, former minister of scientific research; Amr Adly ...

"Das ist mein absoluter Traumjob" - Zisch-Texte - Badische Zeitung

ZISCH-AKTIONSTAG im MediClin Herzzentrum Lahr/Baden / Zisch-Reporter interviewen den Oberarzt Yasser Hegazy. Die Klasse 4a von der Grund- und Werkrealschule...
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Vorname "Yasser" (522)
Name "Hegazy" (45)
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